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Application for Doctoral Courses: Autumn 2023 - Cloned

Please apply below Please fill in this form to apply for Faculty of Social Sciences joint doctoral courses. Additional requirements for external students If you are a doctoral student from another university, please download the Special Permission Form and submit it with your application below. Status message Sorry...This form is closed to new submissions. Leave this field blank Contact Maria Pers - 2025-01-15

Registration for the seminar on appointment and change of supervisor, 7 February

If you have any questions, or need to cancel your registration, please send an email to faculty coordinator Helen Wiman, helen [dot] wiman [at] sam [dot] lu [dot] se.  Name (required) Email (required) Department (required) Other information (e.g. allergies) When you send in this webform to Lund University, we process your personal data in accordance with existing legislation. To find out more abou - 2025-01-15

The faculty organisation

In this section you can find out more about the structure of the Faculty of Social Sciences. Faculty BoardThe Faculty Board has overall responsibility for the all the activities at the Faculty of Social Sciences.Read more about the Faculty BoardBoards, councils and committeesThe Faculty Board delegates some of the faculty's duties to various boards and councils:Working CommitteeCouncil of Heads of - 2025-01-15

Affiliation to the Methods Centre

Would you like to be affiliated to Lund Social Science Methods Centre? Follow this guide! When planning for the establishment of the Methods Centre, a vital component was to increase the possibility of consolidating our methods competencies. By pooling and merging our methodological skills, the Centre will not only be able to identify current and future knowledge gaps, but it will also enable the - 2025-01-15


at the Faculty of Social Sciences Within Lund University, elections are held to fill certain positions. At faculty and department level, these include elections to the faculty and department boards, nominating committees and to the the electoral college. They also include elections to produce proposals for management positions such as dean, deputy dean, head of department and deputy head of depart - 2025-01-15

Processing of personal data and data protection

At Lund University, we shall process personal data in accordance with the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Swedish Data Protection Act. On this page you will find information, advice and support for the processing of personal data within the faculty. Processing of personal dataSupport and guidance on how personal data processing should be carried out in the daily work can be - 2025-01-15

Registration for Workshop and Presentation on Sensitivity Analysis

Name (required) Department (required) Email (required) Coffee (fika) (required) Yes No Comments (allergies etc.) When you send in this webform to Lund University, we process your personal data in accordance with existing legislation. To find out more about the processing of your personal data, visit the Lund University website: Processing of personal data at Lund University Leave this field blank - 2025-01-15

Courses in higher education teaching and learning

Lund University offers several electable courses on teaching and learning for teaching staff. Courses are offered by the Division for Higher Education Development as well as the faculties. At the Faculty of Social Sciences, registration for the courses is open to professors, researchers, senior lecturers, associate senior lecturers, postdocs, lecturers and doctoral students, who have a minimum of - 2025-01-15

Recognised and Excellent Teaching Practitioners

Teachers at the Faculty of Social Sciences are appointed Recognised Teaching Practitioners or Excellent Teaching Practitioners. Current Excellent Teaching PractitionersCurrent Recognised Teaching PractitionersCurrent Excellent Teaching PractitionersA-GKarin Aggestam, Department of Political ScienceBjörn Badersten, Department of Political ScienceElin Bommenel, Department of Service StudiesMalin Esp - 2025-01-15

Active Learning in Social Science

This course focuses on active learning as a central strategy to promote student-centred learning and teaching in higher education. The course is based on a long tradition of international research on higher education and a need to develop education at Lund University. Active learning can counterbalance AI-accelerated large language models.The course is open to all teaching staff members and doctor - 2025-01-15

Efter studierna

Genus, migration och social rättvisa förbereder dig för en bred arbetsmarknad med arbete i offentlig verksamhet, intresseorganisationer och i det privata näringslivet. Programmet förbereder dig också för forskarutbildning. Genus, migration och social rättvisa förbereder dig för en bred arbetsmarknad med arbete i offentlig verksamhet, intresseorganisationer och i det privata näringslivet. Programme - 2025-01-15

Avhandlingar vid Genusvetenskapliga institutionen

Katrine Scott, 2018 Seeking Middle-Classness: University Students in Iraqi Kurdistan. Media-Tryck. Lovise Haj Brade. 2017 Vi, de neutrale: Skitser til udfordring af akademisk førstehed, Media-Tryck.  Maria Tonini, 2016 The Ambiguities of Recognition: Young Queer Sexualities in Contemporary India. Media-Tryck. Anna Olovsdotter Lööv, 2014 Maskulinitet i feminismens tjänst: Dragkingande som praktik, - 2025-01-15